Nome: Jose Mauro Souza Uchoa
Idade: 24 
Escolaridade: cursando pós-graduaçao
Narrativa coletada por Vera Menezes

When I was seventeen, I got my fist part-time job at the Federal University of Acre working as a computer operator. The software was only in English. Although I’ve studied English at high school I didn’t know anything about it. So, I decided to study English because I would like to go to the university too. After I get the university I became baffling because my level was lower than I was expecting for. I thought the only way to overcome this difficulty was by studying and having as much exposure to native-speaker. So, it was a big problem because I didn’t know any native-speaker. After trying so hard in accelerate my learning process and make it more enjoyable I decided to go to the internet and find a useful strategy. As a result, I found VOA, an American company that has carried world news to listeners around the globe. Still today I go to VOA web site to read the script news. I use a computer program called RealPlayer to listen to the audio which is recorded by native-speaker. I always download the audio file and I save it in MP3 format. At night, when I go to bed I put it to play in my MP3 Player and I try to practice the listening. 


Professor Vera, I was wondering if you could give me a hand. I am in doubt about my project - PREPES . I wanna research something related to computer and internet as learning strategy or discourse analyses, please give me an insight. 

Mauro Uchoa