- Nome:
Catiane Lyrio Rocha Bozi
- Idade:
24 anos
- Escolaridade:
dado não informado
- Tempo
de aprendizagem: dado não informado
- Narrativa
coletada por Vera Menezes em agosto/2004
- English
in my life was like a puzzle that I fitted slowly piece to peace by the years.
Catiane Bozi
I was nine years old I lived in Salvador-Bahia and in 1990 I had an
opportunity to go to Miami-Florida-USA with my mother Kátia and my sister
Giliane because my father Gilberto was working there. My parents want to
give a better life for us.
I didn’t know anything about English and my first contact was
studying home many kinds of play with Kátia and Giliane. Some of them were
like music. I loved to act out all day long and one of my best was this one.
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morning Miss Smith.
- -
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in, come in.
- -
thank you.
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is for you!
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- -
for you.
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thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Six
months later I went to a public school called Madie Ives Elementary School.
I learned English fast because it was fun to speak with new friends.
- Wherever
I go everybody speak English. At home I watched cartoons on TV and practice
my English playing with my sister. I just talked Portuguese with my parents
and in the beginning I didn’t know many words so I talked English putting
some words in Portuguese.
- I
studied in another school called Biscayne Elementary School that gave me a
special bilingual teacher just to help me on my learning.
- In
1993 after three years in USA my family and I went back to Brazil.
- In
Brazil I studied English at school up to the high school. I started studying
grammar by myself and at school. I was trying to find out why did I speak
- At
the end of the high school I continue studying. From the year 2000 to 2004 I
graduated in a course called Language and Literature of Portuguese
Language in Eunápolis- Bahia.
- I
start thinking that the English language acquisition in USA and the
grammatical learning in Brazil plus what I learn about Language and
Literature of Portuguese Language in Eunápolis was the way I needed to
understand the meaning of another piece of my puzzle.
- In
January of this year I graduated and now I discovered the way my life has to
go. I start teaching at a particular school in Eunápolis and in other
places like at home and I realize that I can make the difference in some of
my student’s life. I’m always improving myself to help my students how
to learn English better. When you teach someone you learn more. I
know that I’ve many things to learn and that’s why I doing a
Pos-graduation course because English is a challenge for me.