Nome: Eder Antônio Saraiva
Idade: não informado
Escolaridade: não informado
Tempo de aprendizagem: não informado
I think that my contact with the English language began before I can remember. What I’m trying to say it is that exist many belonging words the English language that already do part of our language and we used them since children. But, the moment that my interest increased, it was when I had 16 years and the Rock and Roll started to do part of my life. This kind of music caused me the interest in knowing what they said, then I started to translate them and to every day I was noticing that had easiness in recording the words.
I started then to translate all the histories and everything more than I found at my house. In 1993 I tried exam in Newton Paiva and I stayed there for one year and my money finished and I stopped. In 1995 I got a scholarship and I took a course for one year, however when it reached the end of that period, the teacher said that the course had ended. So, in 1999, I was approved in the exam of UFMG and here I am.
My experiences in classroom began in to “5ª Série”, but in that time I didn't like English, I just studied to pass and I didn't know anything. In to Newton Paiva I had problems with the teachers, because as I knew vocabulary, I made good writing tests, but when it was test of listening or speaking I was bad and they thought I didn’t want to participate of such tests. In the course of which I got a scholarship, my experience was good and I could develop my listening a little more and I improved my writing too. But, without doubts it was here at UFMG that I developed my writing, reading and listening. I made six Literatures, subjects of texts production and several another, which had contributed a lot. I can say that when I entered for UFMG, in 1999, I understand almost nothing that the teachers spoke and today I get to understand. Only my speaking was not still possible to develop in a satisfactory way, because we don't have a lot of opportunity to speak.
2) Analyze you learning history according to the communicative principles and tell us if there were some of its characteristics in your learning experience.
Considering that I am finding very interesting Communicative Approach ideas, I can say that unhappily I didn't participate of any experience with this approach. If one of the main principles of CA is the students develop competence to communicate in different contexts, then I can say that in my learning history, I didn't have such experiences. The characteristics of beginning of my learning are more close to Grammar-Translation Method than Communicative Approach. But nowadays, I think that my learning is tempered with other approaches, however I notice that Communicative Approach isn’t among them. When I graduate I intend to participate of a communicative course to develop my