Nome: Ozana Antunes de Almeida
Idade: não informado
Escolaridade: superior completo, Bacharelado Português.
Tempo de aprendizagem: não informado
I was fifteen years old when I started to study English on hight school. I didn't have the opportunity to study in English school. The teaching was traditional, based in the structural approach. It was teacher-centered.. Students didn't speak in class, only the teacher. Learners had afraid to make errors. The course was more focused on grammar rules, syntactic constructions, repetition of words and sentences and so on. The class was addressed in straight line - teacher and student, student and teacher, we didn't have activities that made possible a larger integration among the students. There was not pair work or group work. Activities of listening or speaking were not common. The class used to emphasise activities of writing and reading. We weren't stimulated to express our own ideas, feelings, attitudes, desires and needs. Classroom materials and activities also weren't authentic. They didn't reflect real-life situations and demands. As we can see, this method is not associated with Communicative Approach. It is more concerned in dictating rules of the teaching of language than in doing students to communicate, to express. Here accuracy become more important than