Nome: Adriana Fernandes Barbosa
Idade: 21 anos
Escolaridade: superior incompleto - Letras
Tempo de aprendizagem: 8 anos
I have been studied English since I was 14 and I’ve experimented several methodologies. My first contact with English was in the School. The methodology used by teachers was drilling exercises. The students had to repeat dialogues or list of words. It was so automatic that we wasn’t able to say the list in another order or rewrite the dialogue in a different way. The students couldn’t least use the words in a sentence. It had no communicative purposes at all.
In 1998 I began to study in an English course. The course helped improve my accuracy but didn’t teach me communicative competencies. The material has emphasized grammar exercises and didn’t had much about formal and informal language, oral and written English and cultural context. It was up to the teacher: some of them have explained while another just have followed the book.
I have my own methodologies as listen to a lot of music in English, watch movies and TV in English. At University I discovered a great way to learn: reading. Literature makes me think about English. Also it helps me to improve vocabulary and to learn the language use.